Monday 10 August 2009

InFamous Review

First things first, I only bought this game because it was £20 on Ebay. Bit of a bargain.

Anyway, you play Cole, a messenger who happens to deliver a bomb. He wakes up to discover the explosion has given him superpowers, specifically, the ability to use electricity as a weapon and such. He's Electro from Spiderman.

He gets forced into using his powers to help the FBI figure out what happened, but the interesting stuff is the choices you can make. That's right, another game with Karma built in, but this is kinda interesting because it changes some of the powers you get.

For example, if you choose to be Evil, your powers become more deadly and more likely to kill passers as well as the enemies, and the Good powers are mostly used to subdue the enemies, rather than kill everyone.

The missions are interesting and never seem repetitive, the play area is pretty big and the game has the all important "feel", so you actually feel like a superhero, or villain as you play the game. The reminiscence of Spiderman 2: The Movie on PS2 is not a bad thing in this scenario.

The characters are at the least non-annoying and the voice acting is generally good, the graphics look nice and it has decent level of re-playability.

The two morality choices are different enough to warrant playing through twice.
Its fun playing through on both difficulties.

Very little reason to play through more than twice

Its a really good game if you can get a bargain or a long term rental/borrow. It is a very fun game, but not really as unique as it would like to think it is, with both Spiderman 2 and Prototype being very similar games.

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