Tuesday 23 March 2010


As it's been 3 months from my last review, and I haven't bought any proper games since then, I'll give you three short ones.

Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations

Classic Ace Attorney game play, but combined featuring Edgey as the main character. The gameplay is also a bit more in-depth, allowing you to actually control the characters. It's funny, the writing is as brilliant as ever, and the new characters are excelletly developed.

Lego Rock Band

Same Rock Band gameplay, same old story. Still the best music game series, but this lets it down a little. No online, coupled with some very dissapointing track charts, makes for a not very good game. The tracks are exportable to Rock Band/Rock Band 2, which fixes the online problem. The cut scenes are great, and Lego Spinal Tap really made me laugh.

Quake 2

PlayStation version. Classic FPS gameplay. You can really see what games like Bad Comapany and Modern Warfare are missing when you play a four player round of this. The guns are fun and far from the realism you get with modern games, and the maps are well rounded and aren't built for camping or sniping, just for fast and furious killing fun. The single player is pretty good, but it doesn't even touch the fun you can have with four people and a multitap (remeber those?).